Novel Name : Forever in the Past and Forever in the Future

Chapter 163- 71

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Chapter 71

We sit and chat a little about our mates for a while until we finish the milkshakes and set the glasses


"Alright ladies, I have some things I want to discuss with you, but I need your word that you will keep

this between US," I say solemnly.

"Of course, Kas. You know you can trust me with anything,” Delilah shakes her head, not

understanding why I would question her loyalty.

"Kas, you can trust me. I keep plenty of secrets about my research from many people, even you

sometimes,” Musu takes my hand and looks me in the eye.

‘Thank you ladies. This all stays with the three of US in this room. If we want to speak about it again, it

is only between the three of US," I reaffirm my words.

They both look at me and nod. I tell them about my conversation with Leticia. Everything from my

abilities, her abilities, and the various abilities of our sisters.

"Why do you want to keep this a secret?" Delilah asks, "It seems like information any of your sisters

who are downstairs could easily provide or if they don’t know, they would want to.”

‘That's the thing, that concerns me. I had a vision while I was sitting with Leticia. It was from the past.

She said it was from the time of the War of 1812.I gave her the silver knife she has been using to kill

the Guardians. She said I was the one that ordered her to do it. She seems convinced that the Mavri

Magea are the way we are to create balance among the Manae. It seems like being able to control all

these abilities is going to be important.”

"What does that have to do with the rest of the Manae?” she looks at me, confused.

"Delilah, if Leticia can perform magic, that means so can 1.1 need you to teach me, but we can't let

anyone find out. What if my sisters see it as a threat? And can you imagine what Bronx would say if he

found out? Leticia is not okay in the head. It sounds like I would be the only one who could stop her if

necessary,” I sigh heavily, "Something I have done in the past has sent her down a dark path. I need to

be prepared in case I need to defend myself against her or, Goddess forbid, stop her. If there is any

way I can help save her soul, then I need to do that too.”

Delilah nods in understanding and holds my hand tightly, 'Til help you, Kas. Of course I'll help you."

"You need to unlock more abilities?" Musu asks tentatively.

I sigh heavily, "Musu, this is where you come in, I think. If you find out about more details on these

abilities, I need you to let me know. If one of my sisters can do it, I need to figure out how to do it."

"I can definitely do that. We found out about the factions while you were at Silver Moon. We just have

not had time to tell you about it. Not the parts about you having everyone's abilities. Just the factions

each having their own specialties," she confirms, "I probably shouldn't tell you this, but including you,

all the leaders of the Manae are here. Right now. They all work for Santoro Enterprises.”

"Y-you mean other than Amari and Tessa?"

"Yes, Katherine and Persephone or Cora, I’m not sure exactly which she prefers. She is kind of quiet,

keeps to herself," Musu taps her finger on her lip as she speaks, "Regardless, they are all in the

conference room right now. It is a legitimate business deal. They are building a facility in Montana and

want MasonCo to provide security for them."

I scan my mind for a moment, trying to process it. All five of US are here. The four women who sat

back and watched through cameras as I was tortured, almost to death, are downstairs in the

conference room. The little storm cloud I was feeling earlier edges its way back. It feels different now

that I have more information about the Manae and my role amongst US. Maybe that little storm cloud is

justified in hanging out after all.

Why now? They have known for over a year that Leticia killed Cordell Santoro, right? So why now?

Leticia didn't tell me when she killed Dante Ferox, but it must have been in between Cordell and


"On a scale of one to ‘the day he recorded that media message’, how mad do you think Bronx will be if

I go to the conference room right now?” I ask my friends.

"Kas, you don't want to fight pregnant women to get out of this apartment, do you?" Musu asks with a

little growl in her voice.

"Okay, fine,” I say with a huff. I cross my arms and lean back on the pillows, ‘Well, if I'm stuck in here.

At least I have good company."

I take Musu's hand and lean against Delilah’s shoulder, "Please tell me more about your pups. I can’t

get enough."

"What about you and your mate? You're planning on having pups of your own, aren't you?" Musu asks.

"It's not that simple for US, according to Lady Camille," I reply without actually answering the question.

Bronx and Lenora are the only ones who know about my conversation with Zeus. I smile, thinking

about the giant walnut sitting in a drawer in my closet.

While she doesn't know the situation, Delilah knows me well enough to know its time to take the

attention off of me, "Well, I will tell you one thing, growing a pup is exhausting.”

"I agree with that," Musu exaggerates her head, nodding in agreement.

"I mean, if you want, I can give you both a little boost of energy. I would be happy to help,” I smile.

"Kas, no. You just woke up from removing a disease from someone's blood. You need to conserve

what energy you have,”

Delilah scolds.

"Delilah, I wouldn't have offered it if I didn't think I could do it," I try to convince her, "Please say yes,

then I will take another nap. I will be right as rain by the time my mate gets home.”

Delilah looks at me tentatively, “Are you sure? Do you really feel up to it?"

"Yes. I'm sure. I can give you a boost and some calming energy so you don't use the boost all at once.

Please? I really want to do this for you," I explain shamelessly.

Delilah sighs heavily, “Alright fine. But if you feel ill, you stop right away."

"I promise," I hold up my right hand to show how serious I am, "Musu?"

‘Well, I could use some energy, so yeah, I guess that's fine."

I feel my mood brighten, "Okay, hold hands. It will be easier for the energy to flow through all three of


We all join hands, making a little circle.

"I feel like we are a tiny little coven," Delilah giggles.

I close my eyes and let a boost of energy to help the fatigue flow from my right side and a calming

energy from my left side. As I concentrate, I feel the bits of the energy that didn't get absorbed by the

women or their pups come back to me. We stay like this for a few minutes until I feel a sense of relief

from both of them.

I open my eyes to see two very happy, smiling faces. They both look refreshed, energized, and calm at

the same time.

"Better?" I ask.

"Oh yes, I haven't felt this good in weeks,” Musu sighs happily. Delilah nods on the other side.

"Okay, good," I smile in return before I pull both of them back to the pillows. I don’t want them to leave

my side yet. I feel like it has been an eternity since I have had time alone with friends.

‘Want to hear about the latest from the bakery?" Delilah asks, as she leans her head against my

shoulder again. I feel comforted by her warmth.

"Yeah, that would be great. How are people liking the autumn specials?" I feel a little sleepy from

healing both of them at the same time. I interlink my arm around Musu, "I also want to hear about as

much of your research as you're allowed to tell me, Musu. If that's okay?"

"Of course, Kas. I would be happy to. I want to hear about the bakery first, though. That is much more

interesting than what I have to say, I'm sure," Musu agrees.

As Delilah gives her updates, I feel my eyes get heavy. Musu leans against me and ultimately needs to

lay her head on my lap so she can lie

on her side in a position comfortable for her and the pups. Her breath becomes slower and more

steady as Delilah's voice lulls both of US into a gentle sleep. I feel Delilah leaning more heavily against

me because she falls asleep as well. I give her hand a gentle squeeze before I let myself dothe same.

Update of Forever in the Past and Forever in

the Future

Announcement Forever in the Past and Forever in the Future has updated Chapter 163- 71 with

many amazing and unexpected details. In fluent writing, In simple but sincere text, sometimes the

calm romance of the author Neener Beener in Chapter 163- 71 takes us to a new horizon. Let's

read the Chapter 163- 71 Forever in the Past and Forever in the Future series here. Search keys:

Forever in the Past and Forever in the Future Chapter 163- 71


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