Novel Name : Master Odell’s Secret Ex-wife

Chapter 1998

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Isabel had eaten Roland’s mother’s cooking several :imes.

The first time was after Roland was officially hired as the vice president of Carter Corporation.He

mentioned that this was his mother's way of thanking Isabel for helping her bacx then.

Isabel never thought much of what she did for his mother since it did not take much effort on her

part.However, Roland sounded very sincere when he invited her.

Another factor was his irresistibly handsome face which made it near impossible for her to say no.She

thought it was going to be a regular meal and wanted to get it over with quickly.

To her surprise, his mother had made a sumptuous feast fit for a king where the table was stacked full

of different dishes and all of them tasted of gourmet quality.She even thought she was dining at a five-

star restaurant at one point.

Furthermore, it was cuisine from Southboro that she had not tasted for along time.

Although Southboro was a place associated with painful memories, the quality of the food there was

the one thing redeemable from her stay there.n.ovelebook Ever since getting her first taste of Roland’s

mother’s cooking, she would make up an excuse to go to their place once every month or so, just to

get another taste of the wonderful cooking.

Since it was Roland himself who offered an invitation this time, she would be a fool not to take it.

They walked down the street and arrived at this apartment complex shortly after.

It was one of the more premium residences in the area, it was well- maintained and had respectable

security facilities.

They had to go through several checkpoints that required access cards before reaching the lobby.

They took the elevator which was directly connected to his place.

Isabel stepped out of the elevator with him.He took out the key and opened the door.

As soon as the door was open, they heard a brisk round of footsteps.Roland’s mother, Martha, came to

greet them.

"Welcome home, Roland-"

Martha nearly jumped when she saw Isabel next to Roland.Her eyes sparkled with joy as she greeted

her enthusiastically, "Isabel, you’re here too? Come in, come in!"

"Aunt Martha, sorry for troubling you at this hour," Isabel said politely before following Roland into the


Martha was a very kind and well-natured lady.

Perhaps due to the terrible sickness she had endured, there was always a certain unplaceable sadness

about her.

Isabel was fond of her and made a point of being polite to her.

Martha smiled warmly.

"No trouble, I’m glad to see you here at all! Come, it’s a good thing I made some food tonight, you must

be starving.Come on and eat with Roland."

Isabel could smell the wonderful fragrance as soon as the door opened just now.She could not be any

more enthused to hear this.

"Yes, please." She was more than glad to make herself at home.

Martha took them to the dining table before excusing herself back to the room to rest.

There were three separate dishes as well as a bowl of soup, with an extra serving of hand-made

cookies on the side.

Roland had barely sat down when Isabel began devouring the food on the table.

Roland sat across from her and calmly picked up his spoon.They ate quietly.

The only sound that could be heard was the rattle of the spoon and fork.

At last, after all the food was finished and Isabel had her fill, she set down the utensils and exhaled with

great satisfaction.

Roland stared at the empty plates on the table and was stunned for speech.Isabel happened to notice

the look in his eyes.

It was only then that she thought to ask, "Hey, have you had enough to eat?"

Roland set aside his spoon and replied, "I'm full, how about you?"

"I'm full too...hic-"

A hiccup slipped out of her.

Roland fell silent.She smiled at him, feeling a little embarrassed.

"Well, I guess I'll be going home now.Goodnight."

He regarded her faintly, "Yeah."

Seeing no reason to stick around, Isabel got up and left the place.

That was when Martha came out of her bedroom.

Update Chapter 1998 of Master Odell’s Secret Ex-wife by


With the author's famous Master Odell’s Secret Ex-wife series authorName that makes readers fall

in love with every word, go to chapter Chapter 1998 readers Immerse yourself in love anecdotes,

mixed with plot demons. Will the next chapters of the Master Odell’s Secret Ex-wife series are

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Key: Master Odell’s Secret Ex-wife Chapter 1998


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