Novel Name : Master Odell’s Secret Ex-wife

Master Odell’s Secret Ex-Wife Chapter 491

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Chapter 491

Melanie was overwhelmed by guilt. “Officer Sach, please charge her with attempted kidnapping after

the questioning. As long as she’s prosecuted accordingly, the Carters will donate a handsome amount

to every station in Westchester annually to provide aid and help for the officers who are injured in duty,

“Odell said.

His voice sounded heavier than usual as if he was holding a certain emotion back.

If not for the presence of the police, lie would have put Melanic through hell.

Officer Sach solemnly answered, “We will proceed accordingly. Don’t worry, we will carefully investigate

and make sure she confesses to every crime that she has committed.”

Then, Officer Sach instructed his mou to take Melanie away.

Peace and quiet returned to the hall.

Sylvia looked at Odell. “Odell, do you really think a woman like Melanie is capable of planning all this

alone? Do you really think she’s allacious enough to push Grandmother down the hill without any help

or support?” She glanced at Tara who was beside him.

Odell pursed his lips.

Tara immediately said, “Odell, I really didn’t know about the crimes that my aunt committed. I know how

much Grandmother means to you. How could I have incited her to hurt Grandmother? I admit that I am

also partly responsible, I should have kept an eye on her, if I had done so, Grandmother wouldn’t…”

She then buried her sobbing face behind her hands.

She cried her lungs out as if she was in pain from blaming herself.

“Enough!” Odell was deeply irritated.

Without sparing a glance at Tara, le looked to Sylvia instead and said, “Let’s put an end to all this.”

“That’s up to you,” Sylvia said, before grinning softly at Tara, “But she and I are not over.”

Tara was relieved when she realized that Odell did not plan lo hold hier responsible. However, when

she heard Sylvia’s words, her gaze shisted. She reigned an innocent look and said, ” Sylvia, I have no

idea what you are talking about, What else is there else between us?”

Sylvia snecred. “Tara, have you forgotten? That night four months ago, on top of that little hill at Cloudy

Heart Lake.” Tara hurriedly said, “I don’t know what you are talking about. I went to Cloudy Heart Lake

on the same day as your accident but I went there to look for Odell. I only went up the hill on the

following day.”

Officer Sach then led his men away.

Melanie was also arrested and taken away. “Wait!”

Liam suddenly cried out and stopped the police officers. Sylvia turned to Liam and asked, “What’s

wrong, Liam?”

Liam went up to Melanie and studied her face carefully. Isabel also curiously went over and stared at

the lady’s face.

Soon, Isabel pouted and said, “Brother, I think I’ve seen her before.”

Liam then said, “Remember that time when we went to the cinema with Mommy and you wanted a

Coke? She’s the one who tried to kidnap us while Mommy was buying popcorn and drinks.”

Isabel’s eyes gleamed. “Oh yes! It’s her! She said she would buy us drinks but she was actually there

to kidnap us!”

The room once again turned silent. Sylvia quickly carried them away from Melanie and asked, “Are you

two sure that it’s her?” She remembered the attempted kidnapping at the cinema but Melanie had run

away too quickly so she had not been able to get a good look at her face. Isabel and Liam were certain.

“We’re sure!”

Sylvia shot a cold gaze at Melanie. Melanie lowered her head in guilt.

Chapter 491 Melanie was overwhelmed by guilt. “Officer Sach, please charge her with attempted

kidnapping after the questioning. As long as she’s prosecuted accordingly, the Carters will donate a

handsome amount to every station in Westchester annually to provide aid and help for the officers who

are injured in duty,” Odell said. 1

His voice sounded heavier than usual as if he was holding a certain emotion back If not for the

presence of the police, he would have put Melanie through hell.

Officer Sach solemnly answered, “We will proceed accordingly. Don’t worry, we will carefully investigate

and make sure she confesses to every crime that she has committed.”

Then, Officer Sach instructed his men to take Melanie away.

Peace and quiet returned to the hall.

Sylvia looked at Odell. “Odell, do you really think a woman like Melanie is capable of planning all this

alone? Do you really think she’s audacious enough to push Grandmother down the hill without any help

or support?”

She glanced at Tara who was beside him. Odell pursed his lips. Tara immediately said, “Odell, I really

didn’t know about the crimes that my aunt committed. I know how much Grandmother means to you.

How could I have incited lier to hurt Grandmother? I admit that I am also partly responsible, I should

have kept an eye on her, if I had done so, Grandmother wouldn’t…”

She then buried her sobbing face behind her hands.

She cried her lungs out as if she was in pain from blaming herself. “Enough!” Odell was deeply irritated.

Without sparing a glance at Tara, he looked to Sylvia instead and said, “Let’s put an end to all this.”

“That’s up to you,” Sylvia said, before grinning softly at Tara, “But she and I are not over.” Tara was

relieved when she realized that Odell did not plan to hold her responsible. However, when she heard

Sylvia’s words, her gaze shifted. She reigned an innocent look and said, ”

Sylvia, I have no idea what you are talking about. What else is there else between us?”

Sylvia snecred. “Tara, have you forgotten? That night sour months ago, on top of that little hill at Cloudy

Heart Lake.”

Tara hurriedly said, “I don’t know what you are talking about. I went to Cloudy Heart Lake on the same

day as your accident but I went there to look for Odell. I only went up the hill on the following day,”

Sylvia noticed that both Isabel and Liam were listening, so she bent down and said to them,” Isabel,

Liam, Mommy needs to discuss something with them. Can you to go outside with Aunt Tonya and wait

for me there?” She did not want her kids to know about all these kinds of schemes and plots at such a

young age. It would certainly distort their thinking Isabel pouted. She refused to leave her mother’s side

but she could not disobey her mother, so she begrudgingly looked at Liam. Liam saw Sylvia’s soft smile

and he said, “Okay.” Sylvia patted his head. “Okay, please take your sister and follow Aunt Tonya

outside. ” Liam hummed in reply and led Isabel to Aunt Tonya. Sylvia smiled at Aunt Tonya. “Aunt

Tonya, don’t worry, it won’t take long.” Aunt Tonya had no idea what she wanted to do but it had to be

important, she hummed in reply and left the hall with the two kids Sylvia then lookelat Tara who was

behind Otell and her expression tumai cold. She walked over. Tara shrank back She nachei out to cling

onto one of Odell’s arms and said with teerates Oliell, I mually didn’t do anything to her.” Qiell’s eyes

remained glueito via

“Oiell, step aside pleuse. Don’t worry. I know she’s important to you, I just want to talk to har, I promise

I won’t do anything to her,” she said with a smile. Qiell furrowex his brows and then removal Tara’s

hands from his am. “Oddell…” Tara stanai at him pitifully Olell did not answer. He simply stepxxx aside

and allowai yavaa to LUX Tata Sylvia wore a smile: “Tara, you don’t have to worry,” Tara’s gar shitted.

She lookexiat Stia cautiously as she plannithe part of a victim and saude in an aggrieval tone “Sylv, I

know there’s been some misundertanding been duri have nothing to do with you falling into the

l i on’t know what happen to you. Ten cui’t just runt jour anger on me’n trane ke like this It’s evilor you!”

Sylvia morridosrand raisei ler hand,


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