Novel Name : The Kiss that Sparked it All

Chapter 2616

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Chapter 2616

“They haven't sprouted wings, so no way did they just vanish into thin air right under my nose. They must still be around here.

Search thoroughly, boys.”novelbin

“Yes, Boss!”

Elton’s eyes were wide open inside the rank and stifling dumpster. He could hear Jaxon’s footsteps drawing closer, and he even

tapped on the lid of the dumpster.

“Hey, don’t forget to clear out the trash by the front gate tomorrow. The garbage truck only swings by this backwater village once

a day.”

The henchmen searching for him paused, confused by this sudden mention of garbage collection.

“Got it, Boss.”

Only Elton knew this was bad news.

On the run, Victoria suddenly cried out and then her legs gave way, and she dropped to her knees. Balfour immediately stopped

and asked her, “What's wrong? Are you feeling okay?”

She clutched her chest as tears streamed down her face. “Something’s happened to my dad!”

Mara, who was closing in on the village, also clutched her chest suddenly.

“Officer, please, speed up, my dad might be in trouble-”

Alyssa glanced at her with a stern expression, and the officer floored the accelerator.

The next second, Elton’s dumpster was kicked over, and the other kidnappers gathered around, not understanding why their

boss had suddenly taken an interest in a dumpster.

But Elton played dead, tumbling out with the refuse.

“Ouch, look here, we got one hiding in the trash. These rich folks sure are scared of dying!

The dumpster stinks to high heaven. | just saw someone toss dog poop in here, heh heh heh.”

Jaxon’s smile grew wider. “Good for you, not being choosy when making an escape. | respect that. A person who can endure

humiliation is bound to succeed. Too bad you ran into me today. | just wonder where the other two kids are. Ah? Mr. Lewis, surely

you don’t want to find out what happens to those who don't listen, do you?”

Elton shivered with fear; he had already taken a beating from these thugs in the car, and his chest was still aching. After being

kicked over, he couldn’t move and squeezed his eyes shut, as if that would ward off the blows.

“Though | admire your spirit, I’ve got no love for the silent types. You better speak when | ask you a question.”

Jaxon stood up, wiped his hands with

a tissue, and nodded in Elton’s

direction. The thugs, understanding

the gesture, moved in and began to

brutally kick Elton. Visit to read the latest

chapter of this novel

“It's a shame, really. We could have

been friends if we weren't on

opposite sides. Making at quick buck

gets tougher every year, and then

there are those who want to cross

me. You think those two kids can get

away? Are you underestimating me?

If | dared to leave just two men on

you, | must have a fallback plan.” Visit to read the latest

chapter of this novel

Jaxon turned his head, giving Elton, who was nearly unconscious from the kicking, a cruel smile.

“Of course, I’ve got my people in the village too. Why else would | choose this village, huh?”

Hearing this, even as he spat blood

from the kicking, Elton’s eyes

snapped open, and he began to crawl

slowly but resolutely towards Jaxon

and said, “Please, | beg you, let the

kids go, I’m begging you.” Visit to read the latest

chapter of this novel

They were too naive, always thinking that running out of the house meant they could escape, but no one expected that the

village was already in cahoots with him.

Tears streamed down Elton’s face.

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