Novel Name : The Supreme God

Chapter 349 Arrived In The imperial Capital City

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Austin suddenly realized that both Dwayne of the Flaming Sun Valley and Abbott of the Blood Wolf

Team had come here for him.

Dwayne had already reached the premium stage of Mysterious Realm. Austin was clear that he stood

no chance of winning against Dwayne and Abbott.

His only option was to leave as quickly as possible. He transformed himself into a shadow and rushed

toward the imperial capital city.

... ...

In a place about 1, 000 meters away from Austin...

"Abbott, are you sure that this is the direction Austin went in? We have been chasing him for a couple

of days but he's still nowhere to be seen," Dwayne said anxiously.

"Elder Dwayne, I'm sure he went this way.

I have sent hundreds of soul-chasing mice to find him and all of them found Austin's smell at C Village,

which suggests that he must have stayed there for some time.

Soul-chasing mice are the Blood Wolf Team's secret weapon. They're unique to us and they're even

better than hounds when it comes to sniffing out targets. I'm pretty sure that my soul-chasing mice will

lead us to Austin. Besides, he must have gone through this rugged mountain road," said Abbott


Suddenly, Dwayne froze, as if he had heard a significant sound coming from far away.

"You're right, Abbott, your soul-chasing mice are amazing. My spiritual sense just found Austin. Right

now, he's on the run about 1, 000 meters away from us."

When Abbott heard Dwayne's words, his face lit up with a smile.

"Are you sure? It seems that Elder Dwayne's spiritual sense is superior to mine and found Austin

before I could. Wait a minute. I'm going to contact my soul-chasing mice."

With those words, Abbott closed his eyes to communicate telepathically with his mice.

All of a sudden, his eyes shot open, filled with excitement.

"You're right, it's Austin's shadow! I have five soul-chasing mice chasing after him. I've ordered them

never to lose sight of him."

"Abbott, you're the boss. Let's creep up on him and kill him before he even knows what's happening.

I'm going to avenge my son.

But remember, we have to be really quiet. Austin is really cunning and he has somehow gotten a pair of


If he realizes that we're coming after him, he'll use it to escape as quickly as possible."

Recalling the way Austin had escaped from Sun Mountain last time, Dwayne frowned.

"You're right. Let's sneak up on him and give him a surprise attack. We'll deal with his wings then."

Abbott nodded in agreement.

The two warriors of Mysterious Realm jumped up into the sky and soared like birds toward Austin.

Warriors of Mysterious Realm used their rich life vitality to soar quickly through the air.

Although they couldn't fly as flexibly as real birds, they still had a significant advantage over regular

warriors running on the ground.

... ... ...

However, Austin had already sensed the movements of those two warriors and realized that he was

their target. The one thing he knew for sure was that he didn't want to fight those two competent

warriors at the same time.

So, he used his Wind-commanding Skill and began running as quickly as a galloping horse.

"That bastard seems to have sensed something. He's suddenly running away! Has he realized that

we're chasing him?"

Abbott shouted.

Right now, the two warriors were just 800 meters away from Austin. From this distance, Abbott's

spiritual sense could sense Austin's body and his smell.

"It's impossible. How could he find out that we're here when there's such a long distance between us?

He might be talented and hard-working, but he's still just a warrior of Earth Realm. Only warriors of

Mysterious Realm are capable of using the spiritual sense. There's no way that he could have sensed

us approaching him. It's impossible.

I think the more logical explanation is that he's in a hurry to get somewhere.

Anyway, it doesn't matter either way. He's much slower than us, so he won't be able to escape.

Let's follow him closely and never lose sight of him. When he stops to take some rest, we'll strike

unexpectedly. He won't be able to fight us then."

... ...

In mere minutes, the two warriors had crossed 1, 000 meters.

Suddenly, a dead body lying on the ground caught Dwayne's attention.


What happened to him? Who killed him?

Who murdered the most talented disciple of the Flaming Sun Valley and left him lying on a remote

road? It's unacceptable!

Austin must be the murderer. I'll personally execute him for this and cut him into a thousand pieces!"

Dwayne was so furious over Augustine's death that he wanted to torture Austin using the most

merciless and cruelest methods. Of course, the suffering and death of Austin still wouldn't bring the

most talented disciple back to life.

Because of his outrage, the vital energy inside Dwayne's body spilled over, burning like a fire.


Dwayne suddenly sped up with a renewed passion to catch Austin.

'Dwayne's cultivation of vital energy is as deep as a sea. I have to admit that he's much better than me

in the cultivation of martial arts, ' Abbott thought to himself as he looked at Dwayne in fear.

He quickly followed Dwayne's example and let his vital energy overflow and burn. Suddenly, his

movements also accelerated.

The two warriors dared to sacrifice their vital energy to hunt Austin down. They couldn't hate him more.

... ... ... ...

Austin, who was about 600 meters away, continued to run without stopping to rest. His feet and the

ground beneath him were surrounded by yellow life vitality.

He was using the Wind-commanding Skill to his maximum capacity. With every single step he took, he

crossed a distance of 110 meters, leaving only shadows behind.

Anyone walking along the same path as Austin might find themselves looking at a couple of Austins.

As fast as he was, Austin still sensed Dwayne and Abbott following him. In fact, they seemed to be

getting closer.

He cursed his bad luck.

He was really frustrated that he was being hunted down by two warriors of Mysterious Realm.

It suddenly occurred to him that no matter how hard he tried, his bodily movement skill couldn't exceed

that of two warriors of Mysterious Realm.

He would have to use some unique skills to throw them off balance. Luckily, he had mastered many of

them. He wouldn't allow himself to be seized without putting up a fight.

Seconds later, he sensed that there were only about 400 meters between him and the two warriors. It

was too close for comfort.

He reacted without hesitation.

A pair of wings gently appeared on his back.

Flapping his wings furiously, he took out two superior vital energy crystals that were as big as a fist

from his Space Ring.

These precious crystals could be used to control the wings on his back. With everything ready, he

jumped up and flew into the sky.

The two superior vital energy crystals in his hands were used as fuel to drive his pair of wings.

He seemed to have transformed himself into a hawk, flying freely in the sky.

... ...

... ... "What?!

Austin is finally using his wings to fly away!"

Dwayne let out a roar of fury. He was overwhelmed by a sense of hopelessness, knowing that he

couldn't catch Austin now.

They had just been 300 meters away from him and would have been able to catch him in seconds.

However, to their surprise, Austin had flapped his wings and flown away.

"That bastard knew exactly where we were! How is that possible? Has he practiced spiritual sense?"

Abbott felt confused and outraged at the same time.

The two warriors of Mysterious Realm stopped soaring. There was no point in chasing Austin any


They would never be able to keep up with Austin's speed. They didn't have an alternative for wings.

"He's despicable! He has escaped from us once again."

Dwayne's face turned red in fury at his failure. He would have punched anyone who was standing in his


... ...

"Elder Dwayne, it seems that Austin can't be hunted down this way. He's very cunning and he has

many methods to escape from us.

There must be something else we can do," said Abbott.

Quickly calming down, he started to try to think of a way to handle the situation.

"Something else? What do you have in mind? Inspire me!"

Dwayne was confused.

"So far, we barely know anything about Austin. He's one of the outer disciples of Sun Sect.

But what about his family, his parents, brothers, sisters, and friends? We know nothing about them. We

should send somebody familiar with the Sun Sect to secretly investigate his background. He must have

some relatives or friends that we can use as bait.

We can catch them and let him know that his relatives and friends are in danger.

Then, he'll show up in front of us by himself.

There won't be any need for us to chase after him," said Abbott slowly.

He was quickly plotting everything in his mind.

"It's worth a shot. Austin murdered my son. I want him to have a taste of the sorrow of losing someone

he loves deeply.

By the way, your words reminded me of something important. Before Austin left Sun Mountain, he

asked Theon, the Sect Leader, to protect Evan and Herbert. I guess Austin must care about them very


We can get our men to arrest them and get word to Austin about it. Then, he will stand before us and

confront us."

Dwayne roared with laughter. They had finally found a way to catch Austin without using too much


... ... ...

Austin, who was unaware of what Dwayne and Abbott were plotting, flapped his wings and flew toward

the imperial capital city.

He had stored a large quantity of superior vital energy crystals inside his Space Ring, so he didn't need

to worry about the consumption of those crystals. On his way toward the capital, he replaced the

crystals several times, consuming dozens of them in the process. Finally, he found himself looking at

the walls of the imperial capital city.

The formidable walls stretched out as far as he could see.

He had never seen such grand and magnificent walls before.

There were flags flying on the walls with some ancient words written on each and every one of them—

Grand Imperial Capital City.

A moat of several hundred meters in width and ten thousand meters in length surrounded the city.

Above the moat were several drawbridges through which people could go in or out of the city.

"So I finally get to see the imperial capital city. This is where the royal family of Violet Orchid Empire

lives. It's such a grand and magnificent city."

Austin sighed, marveling at the intimidating walls. Having lived in villages and small towns his whole

life, Austin had never entered a city before.

He landed in a clearing in the dense jungle and withdrew his wings. Then, he took a short break before

stepping toward the gates of the city.

When he saw the soldiers standing guard there, he realized that he would have to be frisked by them

before being allowed to enter the city.

He walked through the drawbridge and approached the gates. Then, he saw that there was a queue of

people waiting to get inside.


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