Novel Name : The Supreme God

Chapter 4127 The Secrets Of Supreme Universes

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The middle-aged man looked at the images on the crystal screen over and over again. He felt a deep

feeling of longing for the doors no matter how many times he saw the images.

Austin knew how he felt. He knew the nostalgic feeling of looking back to how things were. After all,

Master Sword and his five disciples were the rulers of the Sword Cosmos during the ancient times.

Later, Master Sword and his four disciples went to explore a mysterious cave and never returned.

The youngest disciple, which was the middle-aged man in front of Austin, stayed in order to deal with

the affairs of the Sword Cosmos.

It took only a while before the powerful forces in the Sword Cosmos learned that Master Sword and his

four disciples disappeared, leaving behind his youngest follower.

Violence and chaos soon broke out as the different forces fought for the control of the entire cosmos.

Some even went as far as conspiring with other supreme universes and opening the doors to let them


The youngest disciple of Master Sword didn't stand a chance against the overwhelming number of the

powerful forces. With only a wisp of broken soul left, he managed to escape.

Nostalgia washed over him when he saw the doors of the Sword Cosmos now. He was reminded of the

glorious days when they ruled the cosmos.

"I wonder how my master and the other four senior disciples are.

What could they have found inside the mysterious cave?"

the middle-aged man could only sigh as chaos ensued all around him.

"Sir, I've tried. With my current strength, I couldn't even nudge the doors of the Sword Cosmos.

Otherwise, I would have gone in,"

Austin reported.

"The doors of the Sword Cosmos are equipped with a great cosmos force. You naturally couldn't break

in with your current strength.

Otherwise, those governing gods would have already entered the Sword Cosmos by force,"

the middle-aged man explained to the young cultivator.

"Sir, I really want to know the difference between a supreme universe and an ordinary universe,"

Austin asked out of the blue.

The term "supreme universe" could be heard all around the Sea of Chaos. Almost everyone was

curious to know what this truly meant.

Since the middle-aged man was once a ruler of a supreme universe, he was well versed in this topic.

"A supreme universe, as the name suggests, is also a universe.

However, the energy and laws found in them are much more advanced than those in ordinary


The highest level of energy that is present in ordinary universes is the chaotic energy.

In the supreme universes, there is a more advanced energy called the great cosmos force.

In terms of laws, original chaotic laws prevail in the supreme universes. There are almost no low-level

laws, like the laws of supreme enlightenment and the laws of cosmos,"

the middle-aged man explained.

"I see."

Austin nodded.

He already knew that the highest form of energy in the Sea of Chaos was the chaotic energy.

The more than one hundred human worlds inside Austin's body contained large amounts of this energy,

which was the reason for his unparalleled physical strength.

"Naturally, creatures from supreme universes are much stronger than those from ordinary universes.

For warriors of the same level, those from supreme universes are much stronger than those from

ordinary universes.

Every creature from a supreme universe contains a little amount of great cosmos force inside them

after years of cultivation.

This is the reason why they are much more powerful than their peers from an ordinary universe,"

the middle-aged man continued.

"A little bit of great cosmos force?"

Austin was intrigued by this.


This is the most advanced energy in a supreme universe.

However, the amount of such energy is very small.

Ordinary creatures can only get their hands on a small amount of it.

Only a handful of real masters can obtain an abundance of this energy.

Because the great cosmos force is so rare, most creatures in supreme universes cultivate chaotic

energy instead.

With your current strength, you can be considered as a strong warrior in a supreme universe.

But if you face off against a governing god from a supreme universe, you won't stand a chance,"

the middle-aged man said.

"I see."

Austin nodded. He finally grasped the difference between the two kinds of universes.

"But there is one biggest difference between the supreme universes and the ordinary universes,"

the middle-aged man suddenly said.


What is it?"

Austin was stunned to hear more from the man.

"Every supreme universe was created by a god of chaos himself.

Many ancient traces and ruins that were left by the god of chaos can be found all across such


According to legends, supreme universes were made as secret places for gods of chaos to cultivate in.

After they left, these places slowly transformed into supreme universes we now know today.

That's why things related to gods of chaos can be found inside supreme universes,"

the middle-aged man thoroughly explained to the curious Austin.


The young cultivator was surprised.


Take the Sword Cosmos as an example. It is said that this started out as a small space used by a god

of chaos to practice swordsmanship.

After the god of chaos left, he left a lot of sword auras, so a supreme universe dominated by

swordsmanship was slowly formed,"

the middle-aged man said.

"I see."

Austin was further enlightened.

It never occurred to him that every supreme universe was once a small space created by a god of

chaos for cultivation.

At first he didn't believe it, but after thinking about it for quite a while, he realized that the middle-aged

man could be right.

He himself had also created many small spaces to cultivate in.

These small spaces were like small worlds.

"Outsiders can't break into the small spaces created by the gods of chaos.

No wonder the knowledge about the supreme universes is so scarce.

Maybe the gods of chaos created small spaces to cultivate in because they wanted a hidden space

without being disturbed by the outside,"

Austin guessed.

"Yes, you are right.

That is the reason why creatures from the outside can't break into supreme universes using brute


the middle-aged man confirmed with a nod.

"In that case, the gods of chaos are really unimaginably powerful.

The small spaces that they casually created could actually develop into supreme universes."

Austin was in awe.

"The power of gods of chaos is beyond our imagination.

All the spaces are controlled by the gods of chaos.

In the ranking of the Sea of Chaos, the gods of chaos are only one level stronger than the governing


But in truth the gap between them is so vast that they shouldn't even be mentioned in the same breath.

A god of chaos can kill a governing god with just his thought,"

the middle-aged man said.

"They can kill a governing god just by thinking about it?!"

Austin couldn't believe what the man said.


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