Novel Name : The Supreme God

Chapter 359 Two Principal Disciples (Part One)

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"That's all about it now, Austin. Now, I have been completely honest with you and told you everything.

You can believe me when I swear to you that I have been truthful with you. I have held nothing back.

You can easily defeat warriors at the medium stage of Earth Realm within seconds. I'm very impressed

by your strength. I hope you will help me get the throne."

Reuben said and looked at Austin with great sincerity in his eyes. He looked truthful at the moment.

"Your Highness, I'm a man of my word. When I was in Peace Town earlier, I had promised you that I

would help you, and I will certainly keep my words. Rest assured that I will be on your side.

Also, I promise you once again that I will try my best to be at least among the top 50 in the Outstanding

Talents Exchange Games and obtain the qualification required to enter the Mysterious Nether World. I

will find the soul-recovering fruit after I get in there and help you win. I am very sure that you will get the

throne," Austin replied in a clear loud voice but in a polite tone.

This was a bold pledge to make, but he said all of this with certainly. He was positively glowing with


"Okay, with your words, I feel much relieved now. If you have my back, then I am sure that I will win."

Reuben was overjoyed. He seemed terribly impressed by Austin and believed in him a lot.

"Then I won't disturb you further, as you have to rest for now. The Outstanding Talents Exchange

Games will kick off in ten days. You are welcome to stay here at my palace until that time and prepare

for the fight. You need to be rested and in peak condition to win the fight," Reuben replied and then

ordered, "Take Sir Austin back to his room. No one is allowed to disturb him without my permission."

The five maids who had been given the order bowed down.

"Yes, Your Highness."

They slowly got to their feet and escorted Austin out of the hall.

Seeing that the five gorgeous and beautiful maids had crowded round him, grasping his arms and

enthusiastically leading the way for him, Austin gave a wry smile. However, he had no choice but to

follow them.

"He is indeed extremely talented. I wonder what surprises he'll bring for me..."

Reuben muttered as he watched Austin's retreating figure gradually disappear into the darkness.

"What do you think, Milton?"

Reuben asked into the shadows and suddenly, an old man appeared out of nowhere by his side.

At the sight of the old man, the three warriors who were all at the premium stage of Earth Realm got

down on one knee and bowed to him in reverence and awe, "Sir Milton!"

The old man, whose name was Milton Yu, was in his sixties. His breaths came in fits and starts, as if he

had one foot in the grave. However, his eyes looked firm, and would occasionally flash with a dazzling

radiance that was as brilliant as that of the stars.

"It is too early to judge but as far as I see it, among the hundreds of young talents you drew over, this

one perhaps has the most potential. I suggest you try your best to win him over. He might really

surprise you once the time comes."

Milton Yu cast a meaningful smile as he gazed towards the direction in which Austin had disappeared.

"Really? Do you also think highly of him?" Reuben asked, a little surprised. His habit was that

whenever he would hire a young warrior, he would consult the old man in secret. The old man's face

was always noncommittal. However, one thing was for sure: very few people in the world could have

made him say what he had just said.

Reuben was taken aback when he heard that Milton Yu thought so highly of Austin. This high opinion

boosted Reuben's confidence in Austin.

... . .

Being a royal prince, Reuben had a residence which was quite magnificent and luxurious.

In the center stood the main castle and surrounding it, various winding paths led to secluded spots and


The night Austin was here, it was quiet and numerous stars were shining in the sky. A silver moon was

hanging like a great luminous pearl on the radiant breast of heaven.

Five scantily dressed and intoxicating girls walked with graceful steps, their chiffon skirts fluttering in

the night breeze and bewitching fragrance filling the air. Very soon, they brought Austin to a small


"Sir Austin, this is the palace our prince has specially arranged for you. You are at liberty to do anything

you like for your cultivation in here. Without the prince's permission, no one is allowed to disturb you,"

One of the five girls, a pretty one with an oval face told him in a gentle tone.

Her voice was soft as a whisper and her coquettish tone would have melted any man's heart.

Obviously, these girls had been specially trained how to make men like them.

She paused for a short while. Her watery eyes shone under the moonlight, looking extremely charming.

"Does Sir Austin need us to stay for the night?"

She asked with a bewitching smile, her voice tantalizing.

"No," Austin replied nonchalantly and in a short manner.

The ideology of serving any man they were asked to was instilled deep into the bones of these women.

They had been taught how to please men from the time they were born. But Austin had no interest in


"Very well. The prince has ordered us to serve you in the following ten days. If you need anything, we

are here at your disposal."

There was a flash of disappointment in the five maids' eyes once Austin refused, but they didn't dare

disobey him. After they took Austin into the palace, they bowed and left.

Austin shut the door before them and walked to a small hall in the palace.

The walls there were embedded with luminous gemstones. Moonlight poured in through the windows

and the whole place was bathed in a delicate halo. What an idyllic scene!

"Hmff! The royal family lives such a luxurious life. Damn, we common people could never imagine

these things!" Austin heaved a deep sigh.

He had never lived in such a beautiful and comfortable place. It was a totally new experience.

However, there would be time to admire beauty later. For now, he was quite worn out by the long

journey to the imperial capital city. He felt fatigued both physically and mentally. He went to sleep early

that night and didn't wake up until it was already late in the morning the next day.

... .

According to his plan, there were two things he needed to do after he had gotten in touch with Reuben.

First of all, he had to find the headquarters of the Sky Dragon Elixir Shop in the imperial capital city.

That place was his best bet to pick up the materials he needed to cultivate for the fourth stage of the

Overlord Body-refining Formula.

Secondly, he needed to try and get in touch with the two girls he had met in C Village and check

whether they had arrived there safely or not. Austin had made the two corpse generals escort the two

girls and their vehicles back to the city. So once he had made sure of their safe return, he would also

take back the two corpse generals.


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