Novel Name : The Supreme God

Chapter 518 It Was Impossible! (Part One)

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The young man showed little interest in joining the fight. His eyes were too focused on the pretty girls of

the Violet Orchid Empire. Stretching his pale, slender hands, he conjured up a gigantic palm of vital


''Don't stop guys! I'll join you later after having fun with these beauties, '' he jeered, swinging the huge

palm he had conjured towards the girls.

The palm was a powerful concentration of vital energy force at the medium level of Sky Realm and

there was nothing the girls could do as it grasped them tightly.

''G-Go away!''

Denali screamed, trembling in fright. She looked quite pale and terrified standing next to Austin, like a

frightened animal.

The young man stared at her lewdly as he held two girls in his giant palm. His indecent stare caused

Denali to fold back and whimper like a scared puppy.

The young man could not help but feel enraptured by Denali. She was, after all, the most beautiful one

among all the women and there was nothing a perverted, but also skilled cultivator like him wanted

more than a delicate beauty.

There was no denying that he was strong. The huge palm of concentrated vital energy he had conjured

was proof enough. Denali was merely at the preliminary level of the Earth Realm and she was doomed

the moment the young man set his eyes on her. The palm he conjured was an oppressive, paralyzing

force that wrapped around her, suppressing her movements to the point that all she could do was


''Martial skill of ice? Ha, that's no big deal.''

Austin muttered to himself as he watched Denali struggling against the energy that bound her in place.

The paralyzing ice attack may work against the girls but it should be nothing for someone like Austin.

Had the young man displayed any other martial skill, then he might've been more cautious, but the

martial skill of ice? It was laughable. Nobody could be more confident than him when it came to that.

It wasn't because Austin was being conceited or arrogant, he was just truly fearless of the vital energy

and martial skills of ice.

The Golden Sun Scripture he refined was the most powerful and most potent refining formula in the

universe. His body was also strong enough to handle any kind of attack.

To wrap it all up, Austin had also already refined Scorching Evil Fire.

He was, in a word, a raging inferno personified with his overpowering abilities. And now, here was this

young man, displaying his magic tricks by oppressing girls and parading his martial skills of ice as if his

abilities were already enough for him to rule the world.

Laughable, it was truly laughable. It felt quite fitting too: fire and ice, two opposite ends of the spectrum

but Austin was very much aware of what happens with ice when it gets too hot.

So, despite the heavy barrage of violent ice attacks by the young man, Austin merely stood there, not

bothering to avoid a single strike. It simply just wasn't worth the effort.


A blinding, golden light engulfed the entirety of Austin's body. At that moment, his blood and energy

currently rushed within his veins, generating strength and power all throughout his being.

As he literally radiated with power, a suffocating pressure swept over everyone present. The pressure

combined with the frigid energy brought a somewhat boiling chill to the surrounding air. The sensation

was different, almost wrong even, but there was no denying the presence of the battling hot and cold


A burning aura encircled Austin, spanning several feet. The aura was visibly red and almost looked like

flames so that Austin resembled a burning King Kong on fire.

BANG! BANG! The sounds of fighting continued.

The entirety of the place was painted white by the sheer amount of overwhelming ice and snow that

had been summoned by the young man. However, ice was always bound to melt once it got too hot. As

Austin's strength reached its peak, the frost surrounding him began to go up in steam. Because of two

powerful and competing energies, it was as if winter immediately flash-forwarded into spring.

Even the hailstorm that pelted them with ice as big as an adult's fist fizzled and burst into huge bubbles

of water.

Ice truly was no match for fire.

Austin, despite being confident earlier, was also a bit surprised at the almost immediate results that he

saw. It never occurred to him that his vital energy and Scorching Evil Fire would actually be strong

enough to go up against a strong cultivator in the medium level of Sky Realm! In fact, it wasn't just able

to go up against but completely overpower the opponent.

In the middle of Denali's hopeless struggle against her captor, Austin stepped forward. He clenched his

fist by his side, gathering and concentrating energy on that one part of his body. The effects were

visible as rich, golden vital energy covered the entirety of his hands, shining like a beacon of hope for

Denali and of doom for the young man.

And doom was indeed coming as the energy Austin had gathered in his fist was equal to that of thirty

thousand pounds of force.

But force alone was not enough to bring down a cultivator at the same level, so, besides that, he also

used vital energy force to make the strike more powerful.

All it took was a second.

As he raised his golden fist, Austin struck down.

And as he did, a bright, golden flash of light blinded anyone who could have been watching.


The huge palm of concentrated vital energy exploded the moment Austin brought down his fist.

The perverted young man, too shocked by the sudden turn of events, failed to notice Austin who

hurriedly took the girls just as the palm holding them exploded.

The poor, poor girls looked scared out of their wits. They were pale, had difficulty breathing, and were

constantly clutching at their chests just to ease up their tension.

It took quite a while for the two to calm down but once they did, they immediately showed their

gratitude by relentlessly bowing to Austin and mumbling about how they owe their lives to a hero such

as him.

''What?'' Everyone present was rendered speechless, stunned at everything that just happened.

''Oh my god! So you are the alleged strong cultivator of Heavenly Dragon Holy Kingdom! Seriously?

Look at you, such a loser. How dare you be so rampant in front of me?


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