Novel Name : The Supreme God

Chapter 3807 Is All That An Illusion

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Austin stared at the three tokens on the hill.

"This is awesome! I'm going to get my hands on three more,"

Austin said to himself, smiling as if all his birthdays had come at once.

But while Austin was celebrating, the mermaid was doing the exact opposite. She felt afraid. Her

breaths became heavier as she did her best to stabilize her shaking hands, which almost grabbed onto

Austin's back for support.

"Austin, let's get out of here now!" she pleaded, beckoning her panic to him through her eyes.

The mermaid had a good reason to be afraid. The members of the beast race and the Novel Court

were staring at Austin and her, their eyes burning through both of their skulls.

The mermaid didn't know the nature of these people, but to say that they looked intimidating would be

an understatement. They basked in their defiant and deadly glory with no hint of fear whatsoever. It

was hard not to be scared of them.

To make matters worse, they released a strong, threatening aura towards the direction of Austin and

the mermaid, which did absolutely nothing to calm down the mermaid's nerves.

"We'll go as soon as I get those tokens," Austin said, nudging his head towards the hill. Despite the

threat in front of them, he was determined.

He stretched his arm out, reaching for the three Illusionary Tokens.

When the people saw what Austin was attempting, they broke out of their glares, bursting into a fit of

laughter. "This is ridiculous! They've lost their minds."

"Do these weaklings really think they could just show up here and get the tokens?

Do they really think we'll just stand here and do nothing about it?"

"I'm actually entertained by the two's audacity.

They have to be insane to think they can pull this off, especially when we're standing right here."

The people reacted, hurling insulting remarks at Austin and the mermaid.

A few minutes passed, and the genuine divine gods of the two forces still couldn't control themselves.

Their faces turned red as they clutched their stomachs in laughter.

All of them thought Austin and the mermaid were idiots.

They thought the two were like clowns in a circus, making fools out of themselves for their audience's


"Austin, le-let's find a way out," the mermaid said, still uncomfortable with the whole situation. "If we

stay here longer, we'll be in greater trouble," she continued, doing her best to get her words out.

Austin could tell how nervous the mermaid was by the way she was grabbing onto his clothes for

comfort. She did it in the same way a child held onto a stuffed animal when the night came.

"Don't worry. Everything's going to be fine. I'm here. I'm with you,"

Austin said with a soft smile, attempting to reassure the fearful mermaid.

Austin turned his attention towards the jeering crowd. "Idiots! All of you are idiots," he said defiantly as

he looked at the genuine divine gods who were still too busy making him and the mermaid the butts of

the joke. "Whatever. I don't even want to waste my time and energy on any of you," Austin said


He shook his head at them before smiling knowingly to himself. 'They have no idea what's coming, ' he

thought to himself.

He turned his body towards the artificial hill. With one swift gesture, he was able to grab all three

Illusionary Tokens.

When the people saw this, they couldn't believe their eyes; their jaws dropped in a mixture of anger

and shock. "What the hell?" one of them screamed.

They looked at each other, completely dumbfounded with what they just saw.

They thought there was nothing more to Austin and the mermaid but nerve and stupidity.

After all, Austin was just an ordinary preliminary-grave divine god.

Considering this, why would they take him seriously?

None of them knew he had the guts to take all three of the tokens during their guard.

Finally, one of them broke through the quiet atmosphere of confusion with an angry scream. "Argh!

How dare you steal the tokens?

You idiot! You're digging your own grave!"

The rest of the crowd nodded their heads in agreement, finally recovering from their frozen states

and melting into burning pits of anger.

'This nobody took the three tokens from us right in front of us as if we were nothing.

Not only is he belittling our power and strength, but he's also challenging it!' they all concluded.

"Let's go!

Let's take these two idiots down!"

"Tear them into a million pieces!"

"The woman with him is most likely a mermaid! Keep her alive. We can have some fun with her later."

They screamed on top of each other. The genuine divide gods of the two forces charged towards

Austin and the mermaid, all of them ready for revenge.

All those storming towards Austin and the mermaid were genuine preliminary-grade divine gods.

The genuine medium-grade divine gods stood where they were, watching their companions rush to

attack the two, who they thought to be mere weaklings.

'The genuine preliminary-grade divine gods are more than capable of handling the two. There is no

point in taking them both myself.' All the genuine medium-grade divine gods had the same thought.

As the preliminary-grade divine gods inched closer to Austin and the mermaid, the mermaid let out a

loud hiss. "I will fight them all to death!" she said, gritting her teeth.

As adrenaline shot through different parts of her body, the fear she once felt was quickly replaced by

aggression. She crouched down, ready to make an attack.

Austin, on the other hand, was very calm. With a smile slowly creeping onto his face, he looked at the

genuine divine gods coming to attack him and his companion. He laughed to himself, amused by the

entire situation.

"You brat! You're as good as dead, but you're still smiling.

You really are an idiot.

Go to hell! Better yet, let me send you there myself,"

a genuine preliminary-grade divine god of the Novel Court yelled in a hostile manner as he approached


Austin let out the laugh he was keeping to himself. "If anyone's going to die today, it's going to be you,

old man," Austin responded boldly.

A playful look lingered on Austin's face.

Instead of dodging the divine god's attack, Austin stood there motionless.

With his mind, he unleashed the law of illusion. When he did this, countless illusions emerged from left

and right, all of them coming towards Austin.

In a second, the illusions surrounded him completely, forming huge vortexes around him.

Each vortex was composed of a nearly uncountable number of illusions.

They rotated slowly but intensely as if they were about to crush the void.

The illusions popped up then disappeared repeatedly, This made the divine gods feel disoriented and


Austin laughed menacingly.

"Go to hell," he said in a low voice.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The huge vortexes made up of illusions surrounding Austin began to disperse in an unorganized

manner, shooting unpredictably into different directions.

In a few seconds, thousands of illusory worlds appeared, changing the world they were in. The illusory

worlds were able to break into the Soul Sea of the genuine preliminary-grade divine gods.

"What the hell is going on?" the genuine preliminary-grade divine gods screamed one after another.

They had never encountered a similar situation before, so they were completely shaken up by what

was happening. They had no idea what was about to come or what move they were supposed to make.

Before they could even look at each other, the illusions engulfed them, destroying their realities.

After a few seconds, their faces began to twist, their eyes almost popping out due to the pressure being

put on the sockets.

They still had no idea what was happening to them. Little did they know that they had already fallen into

the illusionary worlds.

With the illusions squeezing every bit of life out of them, the screams of the divine gods began to flood

the area in heavy torrents. "Argh!"

They grimaced in absolute pain.

Images of the illusionary worlds they were trapped in could be seen in their eyes.

The worlds included images of murders, desperate yet failed escapes, cruel abuses, terrifying torture,

and helpless despair.

They were like horrifying nightmares they couldn't wake up from.

In a matter of seconds, the divine gods began to break down.

"Ahhh..." they all screamed.

Blood began to horrifyingly spurt from different parts of the divine gods' bodies. It came out of their

eyes, ears, noses, and even mouths. Austin didn't even need to lift a finger to cause a bloodbath.

'Hmm. Not bad, not bad at all.

No one in the maze can break the law of illusion, including these genuine divine gods. It really is my

best weapon.'

Austin and the mermaid looked at the genuine divide gods, who were in absolute anguish. He was

quite satisfied with what he had done using the law of illusion.

It made it so easy for him to defeat the genuine preliminary-grade divine gods. They might have carried

unbelievable brute strength, but even that was no competition for what Austin had planned for them.

Austin stared at them with a dead look in his eyes.

"I will kill you all," he said blankly.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The heads of the genuine divide gods began to explode one after another.

A grotesque mixture of blood and brains covered the ground, filling the air with its putrid smell.

Their bodies followed, cracking then obliterating into nothing. All that was left of them were broken

bones, splintering to the sky in different directions.

"What just happened? !"

"No way!"

All of them were left stunned, even more stunned than they were earlier.

It was such a shocking and unbelievable sight.

Even they began to question whether or not they were in an illusionary world themselves.

The few who were left of the beast race and the Novel Court stared at the bloody result, while their

eyes widened and their mouths dropped to the ground. They really couldn't tell if what they were seeing

was real or not.

"This is impossible. Was it all an illusion? Please tell me it was all an illusion.

It has to be. After all, we're in the maze. That has to be the only answer. This isn't real,"

a genuine divine god from the Novel Court exclaimed.

Austin shot his head towards the genuine divide god that had spoken. He laughed slyly. "Of course it's

real. Everything you saw is real," he replied. "Now, it's your turn."

Austin placed his eyes upon him.

After a few moments of deep concentration, vortexes of illusions began to appear, surrounding the

genuine divine god until he was out of the people's view.


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