Novel Name : The Supreme God

Chapter 3525 It Was Discovered

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In the three thousand big and small universes, the atmosphere remained tense.

"Damn it! If it goes on like this, my whereabouts will soon be exposed! This is not good!"

the chaotic world tree cursed angrily and anxiously from where it remained hidden. It had made sure

that it was in a very secret space that was hard to find.

In addition to that kind of safety measure, during this period of time, the chaotic world tree kept

changing its hiding place to avoid being tracked.

The gods of darkness as well as the people from the isolated alien spaces were searching for it

everywhere. Their scope of detection was shrinking and they had been working double time with their


Because of this, they seemed to have locked onto the chaotic world tree.

The main reason why they were able to trace the chaotic world tree was because in their team, they

had some divine gods who were good at some secret techniques related to space and time. They could

easily trace the time and space and thus determine the movement of the chaotic world tree and the

aura it left in the three thousand big and small universes.

Pretty soon, they would be able to pinpoint the exact location where the chaotic world tree was hiding.

Gradually, an encirclement within the perimeter where the chaotic world tree was, began to form.

The space that the chaotic world tree could move around was getting smaller and smaller. It was just a

matter of time before they found it.

At that moment, it was the most wanted entity in the universe. Not only the gods of darkness and the

divine gods from the isolated alien spaces were searching for the whereabouts of the chaotic world

tree, but some divine gods from the underworld also came, whether intentionally or unintentionally, to

pay close attention to the progress of this search.

The big shots of the underworld had already guessed that the gods of darkness and those from the

isolated alien spaces had been searching for some extremely valuable treasure.

Otherwise, they wouldn't have put in so much effort.

What was more, even the Divine Corpse Palace, which was floating at the edge of the three thousand

big and small universes and had remained silent this whole time, reacted to this search. One day, with

no one expecting it, the two dark doors of the palace opened a crack.

Several gigantic figures came out silently. Only the cold winds at the gates greeted them as they

emerged from inside the palace.

Then all of a sudden, they disappeared into thin air.

At the same time, in the headquarters of the gods of light, a lively discussion was going on.

"Recently, the gods of darkness, the people from the isolated alien spaces, and those from the

underworld have all sent a lot of their people in search something or someone that could prove very

useful or valuable.

I suspect that it has something to do with the Fallen Immortal Cosmos."

Peterson, Morphy, Jarvis, Devin, and other divine gods were gathered in a hall.

"We must stop them! It's the least we can do!

We must protect the safety of the Fallen Immortal Cosmos!"

Morphy said with a firm look and in a determined voice.

In fact, although the gods of light didn't speak any of their speculations out freely, they had already

guessed that this matter had something to do with the chaotic world tree.

In particular, Peterson had the strongest feeling about it. After all, he had gone to the relic with Austin

and knew everything about what Austin had done.

He had long guessed that Austin was already in possession the chaotic world tree.

The reason why the Fallen Immortal Cosmos could hide in the chaotic void was mostly related to the

chaotic world tree.

However, no one said it out loud, because this matter was too important! It could cause unnecessary

trouble if this was heard or known by those were not supposed to know.

Once the news got out, it was estimated that the whole Sea of Chaos, countless universe communities,

and countless cosmoses would immediately send their people to the three thousand big and small

universes to look for Austin and snatch the chaotic world tree. There was no doubt about that.

At that time, it wouldn't just be Austin who could fall into danger, but also the three thousand big and

small universes that would suffer in varying degrees.

"Well, from now on, we must pay full attention to this matter. Once there is any development, we must

immediately take action to protect the Fallen Immortal Cosmos."

Finally, they reached an agreement and could heave a sigh of relief.

The atmosphere in the three thousand big and small universes became tenser because of this issue.

It seemed that a fierce fight was just around the corner. It was inevitable.

At this time, the chaotic world tree was backed up against a small void in the three thousand big and

small universes. Frowning and depressed, it lamented from within.

"Austin, you bastard! Why did you leave me here on my own and why haven't you come back to get me


Well, I'm not gonna wait for you anymore. I can't afford to wait a moment longer.

If I run away now, there is a huge chance I won't get caught, and eventually survive this whole crappy


Otherwise, it will be too late!"

the chaotic world tree murmured to itself in a grievous tone.

It had been hiding itself all the time these days and now it was almost exhausted. To be honest, it was

fed up with the endless escape.

"Damn it, Austin! I've been waiting for you for much too long. I won't feel guilty at all if I run away now.

I'm done with you. I'm not gonna stay here anymore! Good bye and so long!"

Fearing for its life, the chaotic world tree made up its mind to leave the three thousand big and small

universes. If it kept waiting here, it might end up dead.

At the thought of this, it immediately used a kind of escape technique to sneak through the chaotic void.

Following a mysterious trajectory, it quietly headed towards the outside of the three thousand big and

small universes.

This was the innate talent of the chaotic world tree and it was most probably why everyone wanted to

get a hold of it.

It could perfectly integrate itself into any space, invisible and difficult to be discovered by outsiders.

However, at this time, several divine gods who were good at the space and time tracing technique were

monitoring the whole three thousand big and small universes.

"What? There seems to be some movement!

There is a small tree moving. I saw its track left in space and time."

A god of darkness called his companions' attention through telepathy as his eyes lit up upon the


"Yes, I also sensed it. Something is indeed moving in the void!"

A monster with a dog's head and a human's body also nodded slightly. His long nose continuously

sniffed the surrounding air for any irregularities and any sign of danger.

This monster was a divine god from one of the isolated alien spaces.


That small tree is the target we are looking for. Locate it immediately! Keep your eyes out for any signs

of it!

We can't let it escape this time! I'll be damned if we do!"

A leader of the gods of darkness barked his orders around.

Not long after, the gods of darkness and those from the isolated alien spaces formed a circle and

surrounded the edge of the three thousand big and small universes, heading towards the spot where

the chaotic world tree was hiding.

"Nooooo! Damn it!

I have been found!"

The chaotic world tree immediately noticed the surge in the presence of aura in its surrounding. Seeing

that a great number of divine gods were aggressively rushing toward it, it became frightened and

trembling, unable to move out of fear.

It was known to all that although the chaotic world tree was an incredible treasure which was

invaluable, it barely had any fighting skills.

In particular, this chaotic world tree was still in the first half of its life and fairly young. It still needed a lot

of time to reach the maturity stage.

At this point, with its current ability, it was not enough to deal with these divine gods with malicious


In the headquarters of the gods of light, everyone also noticed that something wrong.

"Something is fishy! Let's go and check out what's going on!"

Before long, a large number of the gods of light left the base camp and appeared in the chaotic void of

the three thousand big and small universes. They rushed towards the gods of darkness and those from

the isolated alien spaces.

At the same time, back in the underworld, the monstrous corpse miasma was surging, and a group of

divine gods also burst out from the underworld. They had brought some of the miasma along with

them, blanketing the entire area with an unmistakable deathly stench.

Apart from that, in an area in the chaotic space, several figures merely stood and watched. "Ha ha, it

seems that some priceless treasure is about to appear and cause a huge battle among these

competing parties.

Well, we, the Divine Corpse Palace, can also sneak in. Let's see if we can have a chance to snatch that


one of them sneered coldly.

"You bastards. What do you think you are doing, sneaking around like that? Truly you are plotting

something shady! You are despicable! You fight only with unfair practices.

I will not let that happen and I will have to kill you first!"

With a roar, Jarvis waved his spear that gave out blinding divine light, and pointed towards the enemies

with strong, almost insane murderous will. He was evidently furious.

Meanwhile, the gods of light, the gods of darkness, and the creatures from the isolated alien spaces

were already at a stand-off from afar!


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