Novel Name : The Supreme God

Chapter 477 A Discreet Retreat From The Battlefield (Part Two)

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With a scream that conveyed unbearable pain, Wilson held his head in his hands and crouched down.

The sword had completely taken his focus off the fight that he had not expected the needle coming. He

would have been able to extricate the needle and defend himself from the devastating pain if he was a

tad bit more powerful. However, since he had just reached the premium stage of Mysterious Realm,

and his spiritual sense had also recently come into existence, he was still too weak to protect himself

from such a hit.

Austin, while all those people were wondering what had suddenly happened to Wilson that made him

suffer so much, leapt up in an instant and retreated to two hundred meters away, his vital energy force

swirling around his legs.

Having been notified beforehand, Violet took Iris and Anna and followed Austin.

Considering his skill, escaping from such a danger was not difficult for Austin—all thanks to his

prominent bodily movement skill. In a flash, he had already retreated to about six hundred feet away in

just a few steps.

Once they had retreated to a safe distance, Violet transformed into a green cloud of smoke and slid

into the Illusion Bead.

As for Iris and Anna, Austin took them by their hands and flew out of the valley. Upon unfolding his

Wind-commanding Skill, Austin glided as fast as a flying arrow. It was impossible for any of the men on

the ground to discern their figures clearly.

"Guys, I apologize to you for my unexpected departure. But don't worry. For your today's hospitality, I

will pay back ten times as pleasant for you."

Austin's voice traveled in the air and reached their ears as they gawked at his receding figure.

One thing Austin did not know of was that the old wolf turned out to have some spiritual communication

with his master Wilson. When Wilson was hit by the Spiritual Sense Flying Needle and was suffering

from the piercing pain, the wolf had also sensed the pain and had snarled.

Getting rid of the needle looked impossible for Wilson, but it wasn't out of the question for that powerful,

mighty wolf. Moments later, the Spiritual Sense Flying Needle was pulled out of Wilson's Soul Sea by

some invisible strong force that the wolf had produced.

"The power of the wolf is really majestic."

Austin could not help but appreciate the wolf's excellent defensive capabilities. As far as he could tell,

no one had ever been able to break through his Spiritual Sense Flying Needle until today.

"Damn it! We let the bastard slip through our fingers," Wilson grumbled, his voice trembling with rage.

However, it was all too late. When he finally regained his composure from the intolerable pain, Austin

had already disappeared. He was way out of their reach.

In contrast, Leo, Garret, Caden and Symon had sensed Austin's intention of escaping the moment

Wilson was struck by the needle, but they had not dared come forward to try and stop him.

Moreover, they knew that they were no match for Austin once he had started running. He was too fast.

There was no chance in the world they could cover as much distance as Austin could in one leap.

So, they stood and watched, until Austin's figure faded away in the distance until he could no longer be


"It is indeed a pity. If I had known Austin was so frantically strong, I would have taken out my Secret

Weapon earlier.

We missed an invaluable opportunity to put him to his death!" murmured Garret in dismay.

Leo and Caden sighed deeply and lowered their heads in great regrets, their minds in agreement with

what Garret had just said.

They had assumed that under the united forces of thirty people, taking down Austin who was all alone

would not be tough. From their past experiences, they knew that Austin was superior to any one of

them in strength, and that was why they decided to join their forces in the first place. However, how

could they have possibly known that Austin had improved his skill so much in such a short period that

he now had the ability to take them down at the same time? They wanted to kill Austin today once and

for all. It turned out that it was them who had been on the verge of being slaughtered. It was because of

Wilson's wolf that they were still breathing.

In truth, before the treasure exploration in the Mysterious Nether World had even started, they had

already been granted the most powerful weapon of their own sects by their sect management teams. It

was a protective measure in case something bad happened to them and endangered their lives. The

weapons they brought with them were so precious that they certainly wouldn't reveal them unless it

was absolutely necessary.

As a result, when confronting Austin, even though more than twenty men were punched to death, they

still did not take out their most powerful weapons. Each one used their own weapons to guard


They knew they had only fought together because Austin endangered them all and they felt the urgent

need of eliminating him. However, they also knew the repercussions of what would happen once they

killed Austin. If they used their most powerful weapons at Austin, then they would have obviously

attracted the attention of others. Also, if they had eventually succeeded in killing Austin at length, it was

very likely that the current truce among the sects would have ended. The warriors would have drawn

swords against each other and it would have turned into a fight for the most powerful weapons.

Who would have thought that Austin would give them such a surprise and would retreat from the fight?

The plan of killing Austin was now a distant dream.

Now that they had lost to Austin, they realized that fighting him with their own skills would not be much

of a use. If they used the same strategy again, it would just give him another chance to slip through

their fingers. No. They must release the secret weapons and fight together to finish him truly.

All hopes were dashed. They were regretting their initial readings about Austin's strength.

As much as they didn't want to admit, it was true that Austin's strength had climbed up to an

unbelievable level. Losing the chance just now could mean that killing him in the future would become

almost impossible.

Also, after this event, Austin would inevitably have more grudges against them and would want to kill

them at any cost. So thinking of what would likely happen to them in the near future, they all shivered

with fear and shook their heads at their idiocy.


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