Novel Name : The Supreme God

Chapter 4838 The Power Of The Death River's Fragment

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The statement the nine successors heard from the young man made them hesitate.

Then, using his mind, Austin released the fragment of the Death River.

It grew bigger and bigger until it was enormous enough to make any man cower in its presence.

From a black river, it suddenly transformed into a raging sea with tempestuous waves. Overwhelming

energy encapsulated the entire place!

Austin, the chaotic sky-devouring beast, and the leader of the Reincarnation Palace stood in its midst.

As the sea surged in an unforgiving manner, the dense black fog spread above it.

"Austin, this fragment of the Death River contains brilliant law of reincarnation. It is incredibly powerful.

Back in their day, even some gods of chaos couldn't destroy it.

Now that you stand over the Death River, you don't need to fear these creatures of darkness.

They can't approach nor hurt you,"

Old Lady Meng explained.

Eons ago, the Memory Bridge stood right above the Death River. She was tasked to guard the bridge

at all times. Hence, she was very familiar with its dynamic.

"It's the Death River's fragment!

This brat really refined it," the creature of darkness who was a level-eight governing god seethed in


Daunted at the scene before him, he narrowed his eyes at the black sea.

In the past, he had entered the Black Fog Valley multiple times and tried to refine this fragment of the

Death River but to no avail.

Therefore, he knew how powerful the fragment of the Death River truly was.

"Come here. Join me,"

Austin requested, addressing the nine successors of the reincarnation race.


Let's join them!" they replied enthusiastically.

Sensing the immense energy the black sea contained, they were both astounded and elated. They

quickly rushed to Austin's side.

"Have them surrounded!"

the powerful creature from the darkness race ordered, his face contorted in unexplainable anger.

As soon as he gave the order, countless of his men surrounded the entire sea.


Brat, even though you have managed to refine the fragment of the Death River, it won't change


You're still going to die in our hands.

I don't believe you can stay here for the rest of your life!"

the powerful creature from the darkness race mocked.

"If you give me the fragment of the Death River,

perhaps I can consider sparing your life and letting you go.

However, if you refuse, I'll kill you on the spot,"

he continued, his darkened gaze locked upon Austin.

"Or, I can give you another choice.

I have to admit that you possess great talent and strength.

If you sever your ties with the reincarnation race, join our race, work for us,

and give me the fragment of the Death River,

I can guarantee you, no one will ever dare hurt you.

Our race will protect you and help you nurture your strength further.

What do you say?

I want you to consider this offer thoroughly.

Countless members of your race had already joined our side.

It would be a wise decision for you, too,"

he coaxed further when he did not hear a reply from Austin.

"That being said, I want to offer you guys the same thing," the powerful creature from the darkness

race suddenly turned to the nine successors of the reincarnation race. Then, he proposed even more.

"If you are also willing to switch sides, we can give you power, wealth and everything else you want.

Just name it, we will provide.

Think it over.

Joining our team would be the best decision you'll ever make.

I know that the reason why you're exploring the Absolute Space Sea is to collect all the fragments of

the road of reincarnation so you can rebuild it.

Ha-ha! What a joke!

Let me burst your bubble right now and tell you that it will never ever happen.

Think about it. Back then, when your race was at its peak, our race destroyed yours miserably.

Now that only a handful of survivors are left, do you think you can make it work? Resistance is futile.

Rebuilding the road of reincarnation is a hopeless cause. Do you think you can win against us?"

the powerful creature from the darkness race guffawed.

"Also, one other thing.

A multitude of fragments had already fallen into our hands.

At this rate, you will never have a chance to make the road of reincarnation reappear.


the powerful creature from the darkness race teased even more.

"Hmm, I see. It looks like some of the fragments are already in the hands of the creatures of darkness!"

Austin raised his eyebrows, as if he was thinking deeply.

The Reincarnation Palace's leader and the other nine successors of the reincarnation race also knitted

their eyebrows.

'It is extremely difficult to get back the fragments of the road of reincarnation that are already in their


They are powerful. It would be a daunting task to overthrow them.

Does it mean that odds of rebuilding the road of reincarnation are very low?' This same line of thinking

crossed their minds. The derogatory statements their enemy gave went in their heads, leaving them


Austin, on the other hand, stood firm.

"Is that it? If that's the case, I will just break into your place and get those fragments back.

We will rebuild the road of reincarnation one day!"

Austin decisively spat back.


What did you just say, you fucking brat?

You want to break into our place?

Ha-ha! Such lofty dreams you have!"

the powerful creature from the darkness race taunted.

"Okay, then. Point taken.

By your answer, I can see that you're not going to join our side.

In that case, prepare to die!" the powerful creature from the darkness race bellowed―his patience was

wearing thin.

With a wave of his hand, he made his way towards Austin and his companions with ten creatures of

darkness behind his back.

They were going in for the kill.

The eleven creatures of darkness simultaneously released black law chains.

The chains flew towards the black sea like snakes. Then, it found its way beneath Austin's feet.

It all gathered together and formed a bridge,

extending into the sea.

The creatures of darkness stepped on the bridge and made their way to Austin and his companions.

"Humph! Brat, do you really think that I can't kill you after you refine a fragment of the Death River?

That's not a guarantee that you're going to be saved. I can still end your life!"

the powerful creature from the darkness race boomed.

"Austin, I'll teach you how to use the fragment of the Death River to attack the enemy."

Just then, Old Lady Meng's voice rang out in Austin's Soul Sea.

"Got it."

Austin nodded.

With that, she immediately commenced teaching Austin how to properly use the fragment of the Death


As soon as he understood her instructions, he started to manipulate the fragment of the Death River.

With a loud noise, the black sea below him began to roar furiously.

Dark waves, as high as a thousand feet, were rolled up and rushed towards the eleven masters of the

darkness race. The energy it brought could make anyone's knees tremble.

To make it even more intense, the waves formed huge back cages and flew towards the creatures of

darkness to envelop them.


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